Making Learning Visible – The Practice Book

Successful Teaching with the Steev Approach

From this page, you can download selected texts on the Steev Approach (German version: «Luuise-Verfahren»), published in Beywl et al (2023).

The translations have been generated largely automatedly and have not been checked for consistency or correct technical terminology yet.
They are labelled as “rough draft” and various document features are restricted.

The team of authors would be pleased to receive any feedback and comments by e-mail:

Beywl, Wolfgang/Pirani, Kathrin/Wyss, Monika/Mittag, Michael/Hattie, John A. (2023): Lernen sichtbar machen – Das Praxisbuch. Erfolgreich unterrichten mit dem Luuise-Verfahren. Baltmannsweiler: Schneider Hohengehren.